Show 'n Shine XXV - Day of the show
We arrived at the show around 10:00AM. The overnight rains had all passed by and the sun was heating the leftover humidity. There was a good showing of cars on display but only a handful of vendors in the swap meet. Spectator admission and parking was free!

My vendor buddy was there setting up his swap area as we arrived. He had the spring plates as promised, and the transaxle had the usual gunk around the CV flanges but seemed to be in reasonable shape. He agreed to hold it for me until later in the day when we would be departing.

I have never seen a dune buggy built like this one. It is a tube roll bar and chassis based on a stock pan. The cool part is how the body stops short of the engine, allowing it to stick out completely. A disadvantage is the visual effect it would have on a rear bumper setup, but I really like the t-bucket hot rod influence and sheet metal installed inside the cage.

Gunther VW had their beautifully painted ’64 hightop on display. They gave away T-shirts and buttons which proved to be a crowd pleaser.

Most categories of VWs were represented at the show. Beetles made up the majority as usual, but there were a couple Baja Bugs, Rails, Things, several Split Window busses including some very nice campers, Bay Window busses, a Porsche 356, a few Squarebacks, and a Fastback. Single and Double Cabs were well represented. Many of the vehicles had nice paint and interior, but my favorites combined a nice stock appearance with solid mechanics.

We returned to the swap area to pick up the spring plates and transaxle before leaving for lunch. The show was still going strong when we departed around 1:30.

After lunch at Crackerbarrel we headed north into the rain. Visibility was bad in spots but we made it safely home in good time.
Show 'n Shine XXV was a nice event again this year with a similiar turnout of cars and spectators as last year. Highlights included the transaxle score despite a small vendor section, good conversation, and the homemade buggy. While not the biggest or the closest show, the VW community involvement and "recharge" effect made it well worth the trip.