Show 'n Shine XXV - Travel to Plantation, FL
This will be our second time attending this show, held in Mills Pond Park. The location has a nice grassy area for the cars and vendors. The sun is starting to provide some hot days by this time of year, so sun block is advisable given the sparse shade available.
We don't expect to see too many people from Central Florida this far south, but the locals and Miami crowd should be there in full force.

As usual, we decided to take back roads on the trip south to Fort Lauderdale. Highway 441 was scenic, uncrowded, and peppered with occasional rain showers. The 2006 Mini is a comfortable long distance car despite its small size, but I can't help but look forward to the day we make such trips in one of our vintage VWs.

I spoke en route with a swap meet vendor I met at the 2008 Volksblast show in Miami. He gave me a good deal on some rear end housings, trailing arms, and brake drums. He agreed to meet me at the show Sunday to give me the spring plates as well. He will also bring a transaxle from a 1970 Bay window bus that may make a nice spare for my Double Cab. One of the less desirable 1968 one year only features is a transaxle known to be weaker than the other "3-rib" 002 transaxles, so the stronger spare may prove to be very handy in the future. There is no great way to test it without installing, but if the price is right it may be a reasonable gamble. Many of these fairly bulletproof transaxles were taken from cannibalized busses to be used in dune buggies- one that has been taken directly from a bus is a good bet.

We stopped at Yeehaw Junction for boiled peanuts and gator jerky. I would expand on this, but that pretty much says it all!

While we were there we tried to fill up on fuel, but had no luck. I think the pump was a little outdated.

We picked up a couple ice cream shakes and pulled over at the northernmost point of Lake Okeechobee. There were people and birds fishing under threatening rain that did not fall. Traveling clockwise to the southernmost point of the lake, the trip around the lake's east side was a little bumpy, separated by short sections of freshly repaved road. We passed palm tree farms, an airport, speed traps, sugar cane fields, and a prison. Turning due south on Highway 27, we left the lake and sun behind.

Short runs on Interstates 75 and 595 completed the distance of 230 miles to Plantation, FL.
The modest travel distance allowed us to take our time and enjoy a few sights along the way. Seeing Lake Okeechobee from the north was a new view, having seen it from the south twice before. Backroads rarely let us down!
As we were checking in to the hotel, Bret Michaels (Lead singer in the band "Poison") appeared. Within seconds, he was surrounded by teenage girls and their chaperones. He stopped to pose for pictures with them for a minute or two until he was rescued by his TV bodyguard.